Many U.S. Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents have foreign-born relatives who desire to immigrate to the United States. Some of these relatives are already in the U.S.
Being fully prepared for the loss of family members brings peace of mind. An important part of that preparation is having a Last Will and Testament that properly disposes of the decedent's property at the time of death, and expresses
Important medical advances have dramatically increased the ability to sustain life. While this is generally great news, the reality is that in many instances, life can continue beyond any reasonable expectation of recovery or quality of life. When an individual siffers from a terminal condition
Most married couples dread the unthinkable possibility of divorce. Dreams and plans have been made that contemplate a lifetime of togetherness and family memories. If circumstances arise that render the marriage unsustainable, people need to fully understand the ramifications of a divorce, both
Immigrants who obtain permanent residency status based on the marriage relationship are granted permanent residency on a conditional basis, if the marriage was less than two years old at the time permanent residency was granted. At the end of the two year period, the permanent residency expires
Every Texan should carefully consider the various estate planning tools that will protect his or her family from uncertainty and legal problems in the event of death or disability. Today's blog will identify and briefly describe the 4 basic legal documents that will protect Texas families.
In today's volatile political climate, an increasing number of immigrants are exploring the possibility of naturalization. Recent government actions to curb legal immigration, rescind the DACA Program and construct a border wall are likely at the center of this rising tide of interest. While la
Last week's blog addressed a grandparent's potential right to seek custody of grandchildren, explaining the burden of proof required to do so. Today's blog post addresses the far more common situation where there is no significant impairment to the physical health or emotional development of the
Increasingly in our society, parents are alienated from their own parents and make the tragic decision to disallow grandparents access to their grandchildren. Such alienation is rarely in the best interest of children, who would generally benefit from a positive relationship with their grandpar